How much does Bulk Argon Cost?
The cost of bulk Argon can vary due to several reasons, such as monthly volumes, size of your tank, distance from the source (air separation plant), and other factors that help determine the cost of the product to your location.
In a perfect world you would fill your tank 10-12 times a year, this creates less invoices, less delivery charges, and helps maximize the load for your supplier which helps you get a better price.
Argon is billed by the Cubic Foot 100 (CCF/100). A CCF/100 of Argon is .889 Gallons of Argon. Bulk tanks can range from 237 gallons to 900 gallons. One of the most popular size Argon tanks is a 1500 Gallon tank, this tank typically holds 168,000 SCF of Argon. A typical Cryogenic tanker trailer holds 4500-5000 Gallons of Argon, so it makes sense that a 1500 Gallon customer would not get the same prices a full trailer load customer would expect to get.
Smaller bulk tanks often called Microbulk tanks could also be available in your market, these are smaller tanks so the cost of product would be higher due to less volume, also this Argon is typically delivered in a smaller truck that picked the Argon up at a local fill plant, so the provider had more labor and logistics in the product causing the price to be higher than Bulk Argon that is delivered to your facility directly from the Air Separation plant or source.
Important Conversions
Single Argon Bottle 336CF Argon
Liquid Argon VGL 5400CF Argon